Congratulations to all of the graduates!!
Wow! It’s hard for me to grasp that I have completed the requirements for the Masterʻs in Educational Technology degree and the advanced Certificate in Online Learning and Teaching. This time, two years ago, I was waiting to hear if I had been accepted into the program. Here I am today preparing for both a virtual-world and real-world graduation. I am grateful, excited, and exhausted. Every bit of this experience has been more than I expected.
A reflection about my journey would be incomplete without giving due credit to my instructors; Dr. Grace Lin, Dr. Mike Menchaca, Dr. Peter Leong, Dr. Mary Hattori, Dr. Ellen Hoffman, Dr. Curtis Ho, and Dr. Bert Kumura. I appreciate the knowledge, passion, guidance, and critical feedback I received. My goal is to utilize what I have learned in a way that honors their dedication as instructors.
Throughout the program, one key element that fostered my significant growth was giving and receiving peer feedback. I found this to be an excellent mechanism for the transference of knowledge. I am thankful to my peers who were committed to fulfilling this role. I hope I was able to add value to their learning experience and am esteemed to have grown from their feedback.
I am most grateful to God because he provided me with wisdom, knowledge, and strength to manage everything without losing too much of my sanity. I am equally grateful to my wonderful husband who never complained about the long hours I spent at my desk working on my degree and for helping me with the laundry, dinners, bill paying and just about everything else! I am grateful to my sons who believed in me and encouraged me to do this.
Hello world! A new chapter begins…
Wow! It’s hard for me to grasp that I have completed the requirements for the Masterʻs in Educational Technology degree and the advanced Certificate in Online Learning and Teaching. This time, two years ago, I was waiting to hear if I had been accepted into the program. Here I am today preparing for both a virtual-world and real-world graduation. I am grateful, excited, and exhausted. Every bit of this experience has been more than I expected.
A reflection about my journey would be incomplete without giving due credit to my instructors; Dr. Grace Lin, Dr. Mike Menchaca, Dr. Peter Leong, Dr. Mary Hattori, Dr. Ellen Hoffman, Dr. Curtis Ho, and Dr. Bert Kumura. I appreciate the knowledge, passion, guidance, and critical feedback I received. My goal is to utilize what I have learned in a way that honors their dedication as instructors.
Throughout the program, one key element that fostered my significant growth was giving and receiving peer feedback. I found this to be an excellent mechanism for the transference of knowledge. I am thankful to my peers who were committed to fulfilling this role. I hope I was able to add value to their learning experience and am esteemed to have grown from their feedback.
I am most grateful to God because he provided me with wisdom, knowledge, and strength to manage everything without losing too much of my sanity. I am equally grateful to my wonderful husband who never complained about the long hours I spent at my desk working on my degree and for helping me with the laundry, dinners, bill paying and just about everything else! I am grateful to my sons who believed in me and encouraged me to do this.
Hello world! A new chapter begins…