Laureen Kodani | ePortfolio
We are working in groups to chart a tsunami evacuation route using Google Maps. The route includes the home of a group member who lives in a tsunami evacuation zone. As a group, we collaborated on a Google map while learning how to geotag photos of the route, upload images to our Google map, and to add descriptions for each point added to our route.

I find it interesting that, collectively, our group agreed that this important task was not as simple as we thought it would be, LOL! During the process, we were challenged with trouble shooting how to upload the geotagged images from a Verizon smart phone versus an iPhone to our Google map. After two group meetings which included great collaboration, we have a few more tasks to complete. Overall, this assignment is not only important for our safety, it has been a valuable learning experience relevant to emerging technologies.

I look forward to completing the assignment and viewing other group results.  

Copyright © 2010-2011 Laureen Kodani. All rights reserved.
Creative Commons License
Laureen Kodani ePortfolio by Laureen Kodani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.