Laureen Kodani | ePortfolio
We completed our first group assignment over the weekend. Another great opportunity to hone our group collaboration and social learning skills! It was a productive session of brainstorming, sharing of ideas, and developing a proposal for a potential class assignment. I can appreciate this form of learning because in the end, if we are successful, we can say social production is the result of social learning.

Tonight, our class session included a spirited discussion of social media with guest speakers Burt Lum and Melissa Chang who both shared their personal experiences with technology and social media. I was pleased to see so many questions being asked! There is so much to learn. I found myself intently listening to the discussion and failed to formulate a question of my own, GEEZ! I began to think about social media, social learning, and social production. How can we utilize social media in a learning environment? I think social media is a tool and not the end all for pedagogical strategies. Social media can facilitate a culture where students are interdependently analyzing, evaluating, creating, implementing, managing and sharing the outcome of their learning. This type of synergy produces something greater than the sum of these components. Students can take ownership of a learner controlled environment.

Whew! I’m looking forward to more in this class!

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Laureen Kodani ePortfolio by Laureen Kodani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.