Laureen Kodani | ePortfolio
Our assignment this week required us to visit and experience a role-playing sim. I visited three different sims, ROMA’s Theatrum Romanum, Elf Circle, and Tombstone. In ROMA, I spent most of my time in Fort Legion XIII because events for Theatrum Romanum was not scheduled during the four days that I visited ROMA. You can read more details about my experience in the Laulima Discussion forum.

Each of the sims I visited had corresponding websites. The Elf Circle and Tombstone websites provided details and included an event calendar. The ROMA website provided details but I did not find an event calendar.

Tombstone provided free outfits. To join a role-play group in Tombstone, you were required to purchase a HUD titler. I would have liked to participate in their event and was disappointed about the purchase requirement. The Elf Circle group did not require a purchase, however, I did not see an area offering free outfits. One thing of note about the Elf Circle sim, it includes an area with self-guided building tutorials.

Here are some photos from my visits. Enjoy!!

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Laureen Kodani ePortfolio by Laureen Kodani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.