Laureen Kodani | ePortfolio
It's been a challenging, enlightening, and meaningful semester. In fact, every semester, strategically scaffolded upon each other, has been an ongoing and valuable learning experience for me.

I've had some moments where I wondered about my capabilities. Will I be able to meet expectations and requirements for each of my courses? Will the work I produce add meaning to the topic? Will I be a learner who is able to contribute to the learning experiences of others?

One thing is for sure, my peers have significantly added to my learning experiences. Despite the long brain storming sessions, intense research, and what seemed like brain malfunctions, we survived. Thanks everyone!

At the start of the  program, I was apprehensive and excited. I understood that there was much to learn. This part has not changed. Now, there is even more to learn, LOL. However, I am feeling more confident about my skills and expertise. Does this mean I have arrived? Absolutely NOT! It means I am able to apply my acquired knowledge in a focused manner.

I am gearing up for the spring semester! How about you?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May all of you be blessed beyond measure.

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Laureen Kodani ePortfolio by Laureen Kodani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.