Laureen Kodani | ePortfolio
There was an abundance of information this week and I found myself desperately trying to absorb knowledge. One of the main themes this week is the importance of designing online instruction with a multimodal approach which addresses the many different learning styles. Emerging technologies continue to pave the way for dynamic, engaging, interactive, and immersive instructional tools. Web 2.0 has evolved into a new concept called Collaboration 2.0 enabling new levels of human interactivity in the realm of social networking.  Two-way communication in a synchronous learning environment allows for real-time sharing of knowledge and immediate feedback. Communities of practice are formed amongst participants to facilitate the exchange of ideas and promote meaningful learning experiences. Newer studies no longer question whether these tools are being utilized. Instead, studies focus on what can create a more effective instructional strategy using multimodal methods in a Collaboration 2.0 setting. Here are a few key points to remember when producing media for instruction; present (deliver) information by incorporating images and text simultaneously with balance, use a layout design which enables easy viewing on the eyes, and augment delivery with verbal narration. To meet the social interaction component of instruction, complement media with Collaboration 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis, and social bookmarking which supports dialogue and learning.  

The reading is helpful because we need to remember that our brains work to traffic information in a bi-directional way. Different generational learners also mean different learning styles. In particular, millennial learners are digital natives and thrive in a multi-tasked environment. Without a doubt, learner characteristics vary and it is essential to design instruction with the 21st century learner in mind. Multimodal strategies activate different responses from different learners while knowledge acquisition occurs. If we consider a multimodal approach to instruction, we can position our learning environment to reach more learners. A learner can exercise flexibility to scaffold old and new knowledge in the learning process. This can be based upon individual preference, technical expertise, relevance, and cognitive skills.           

In my personal experience, multimodal environments improve my acquisition of knowledge because different senses (auditory, visual, and verbal) are interactively stimulated. Observing, participating, and reflecting actively converts information into knowledge. When possible, actual experience of the information becomes experiential knowledge. I feel that my comprehension, retention, and critical thinking skills are better and produce higher quality results. All of this can be applied in a personal, professional, and academic context.  

Whew! There is so much to learn and we are barely scratching the surface. 

9/14/2011 11:43:40 am

Laureen, you pretty much summed up the week for us right here in this blog! LOL Great post! Yes, I think the key to effective instructional design is to incorporate strategies that account for diverse learning styles and needs. This means using multimodal approaches like the R2D2 model.

And I agree, it's a lot of information to take in. I would like to have a computer chip in my brain to better organize everything just so I don't forget any of it!

Ross Uedoi
9/15/2011 05:27:36 pm

I agree, ther was a lot of information this week, I'm still digesting things we covered. I do agree that multimodal approach is important to include in designing your online course. It made me think about a project I have ongoing right now. I've created a "Help Desk" portal at school where my teachers create their help tickets, but it also has a Build in Knowledge base. As tickets are resolved many can be turned into KB articles so users can "self help" themselves. While I have not had time to populate the KB database, I was thinking of using video tutorials using Camtasia. I am hoping it would be more convenient for the users, and hopefully make them want to use the KB articles. I know I would rather watch a short video tutorial, or read a tutorial with actual screen shots instead of reading just plain text.

anuhea nakahara
9/16/2011 09:19:17 am

Hi Laureen!

I totally agree that this week was a lot of information to absorb but I think you did an excellent job in summing it all up.

I also agree that "multimodal environments improve my acquisition of knowledge" as well. Learning through different ways such as audio, visual and verbal has helped me be a successful distance learner. I know this is impossible but I wish there was a tactile way of learning, besides the keys on the keyboard, since I am a strong hands on learner.

P.S. Thanks for being an awesome group member!!

alia t
9/16/2011 06:27:07 pm

“The reading is helpful because we need to remember that our brains work to traffic information in a bi-directional way. Different generational learners also mean different learning styles.”

Hi Laureen,

I really like how you describe learning in this quote. You follow up with a simple bit of advice. Even though I just started teaching, I feel so in to 7th grade science. Well not every learner is in 7th grade science! I rarely have to change my content or methods of teaching. Of course I make accommodations for diverse learners but not outside the realm of 7th grade.

This quote really made me realize that one of the greatest things about online learning communities is that learners are diverse in so many more ways then in the day to day classroom. In a way, I think I should be able to teach the concepts involved in 7th grade science to any age group etc, this is something I am not good at yet! I started to expand on my goals for this class. Before I was focused on how to design online learning environments but I was missing the “theory” aspect of it all. I understand that I need to include how this class can help me be a better teacher not just for my students, but for all students- who knows what the future will bring. Thanks Laureen for sparking this connection in my brain!


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